No Shade is a fun LGBT theme dramedy web series based in NYC which follows the life of Noel Baptiste (David Brandyn), a gay artist from Brooklyn, NY who finally comes to grips with his sexuality and is now comfortable in his own skin. During his self discovery his 3 crazy friends, Bar manager Eric D. Stone (Terry Torro), Dance teacher Kori Jacobs (Donnie DuRight) and transgender-female make-up artist Danielle Williams (Tamara M. Williams) accompany him on his journey for love, success and evolution
Up Next in Season 1
When Opportunity Knocks
Eric has an unexpected visitor... has he been catfished? Kori teaches his dance class while Noel and Danielle discuss issues that are bothering them
No Roaches
Patricia calls in reinforcements to save Noel from judgment. Kori begins his quest to find his Villa while Danielle begins her pursuit of happiness.
Penetration and Sin
Noel gets trapped in church. Danielle good friend Taniqua visits her at work. Eric and Kori is hanging out while Kori runs into an old friend